Are You a Well Being?

…. answer these questions to find out

My clients hear me talk all the time about Awareness Enabling Choice.

So perhaps a bit of reflection and increased awareness on your wellbeing will enable you to make great choices over the holidays so you come back energised and refreshed for the New Year.

Consider these quadrants of wellbeing and give yourself an honest rating out of ten


  • How are you tracking in each of the quadrants?
  • What might need to change over the holidays to bring your score up by just one or two points?
  • Which areas do you need to pay more attention to? How will you do that?
  • Which area are you doing well in and why?
  • Can you replicate this success in other areas of wellbeing?

What are some of the small changes you can make to enable you to move your wellbeing score higher?

We hope you all have a safe and happy and healthy holiday period!

Merry Christmas from the team at Gram Consulting Group.