How two seven year olds got it right

The life lessons are coming from all sorts of places right now.

There are no predetermined ways of responding to the complexity we are in and we are all learning every day; learning how to work and live with our families, how to be alone, how to connect with each other whilst physically distancing and more. The only resource we really have is our awareness and then the choice about how we respond.

So it was with that thought that the greatest insights this week came from two unrelated seven year old’s hand written correspondence to adults.

Children are unguarded and without filters. Their fear of being judged is low and they feel without post rationalising or attaching meaning.

Insight Number One: Empathy matters

My niece Indigo wrote me a letter when my puppy died this year. She oozed empathy and understanding even though she had never owned a puppy. She comforted me and acknowledged my grief better than almost anyone in my life. I don’t know if she even likes dogs that much. Here is her letter to me.

We need Empathy right now because everyone’s story through this time will be different.

We need patience, understanding and a desire to understand other’s perspectives.

Have a watch of Brene Brown’s short video on empathy. Or you can listen to Kate Nuttal talk about why empathy matters on the FastTrack podcast.

Insight Number Two:

The relationship cycle “Harmony – Disharmony – Rebuild”

This brilliant seven year old wrote this letter to her mother (one of my clients), which exemplifies the relationship cycle of “harmony – disharmony – rebuild”. This busy working family had a bad day. Their usualharmonybecamedisharmonyafter a ruined meeting and then came therebuildin the form of a letter of acknowledgement and love.

Read it more than once. There are lessons for every adult in here.

The brilliant Esther Perel talks to Adam Grant in the podcast Relationships at Work about power, trust, balance and the rebuilding of relationships at work. It’s worth a listen.

Paying attention to relationships is as important as ever. If relationship don’t go according to plan remember the relationship cycle: Harmony – Disharmony – Rebuild.

With some lessons from the seven year olds …..the future world may just be in good hands

Stay safe and well throughout the Easter period and remember to make good choices.