Virtual Development

An essential part of contemporary leadership

“Now is the time for organisations to be engaging their people in relevant and topical online learning programs, to help establish an atmosphere of trust within teams to help stimulate creativity, collaboration, productivity and innovation.”


– Harvard Business Review

Gram Consulting Group, as a leader in the field of team development, provides virtual learning assistance to organisations to develop their people as leaders and team members. 

Research shows building and strengthening relationships across a team is essential for High Performance and High Engagement. Functional dynamics; clearly communicated intentions and strategies; collective engagement to business strategies; individual and collective commitment; accountability; and open, honest dialogue are all essential for team and individual success.

Just like any of the other relationships we have in our lives we must pay attention to and nurture those relationships beyond the transactional. Creating the time and space to maintain and sustain healthy relationships within a team who work together is essential to high performance.

We have developed range of virtual development initiatives to enhance teams in three important areas:

Virtual learning assistance for leadership coaching

Flourishing Together in Isolation

A punchy and helpful virtual learning session illustrating our COVID-19 roadmap to help leaders maintain their team’s performance whilst working from home.

Flourishing Together in Isolations


​Leading Self

Before we can lead others’ we need to be able to lead ourselves. Through awareness we have a choice about how we manage our mindset, our thinking, our beliefs and how we show up.

Self Discovery


Self Care


Self Discipline


Self Knowledge Through Strengths


Self Knowledge: Strengths, Brand & Presence


Coach Yourself at Work


​Leading Others

We lead everyone not just our direct reports. Leadership is about helping others think and enabling their performance. We stretch the thinking about who we lead and how we impact and grow those around us.​

Developing Others


Authentic Leadership


My Character & Style


Social intelligence & Connected Relationships


Leading with heart: Empathy, Compassion & Curiosity


Systems & Network Thinking in Times of Change


2020 Plan Review: Lessons learned from COVID19


Leading Others: Empathy at work


Team Zoomies



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