Relationships Matter

People often ask me what GRAM stands for. It’s simple really.

Great Relationships Always Matter.

The capability to form and hold relationships in business and in our personal lives is fundamental to our success and meaningful happiness.

The ability to be agile in these relationships is essential in modern business and life. Relationships are no longer as linear or clearly compartmentalised as they were in the past.

Think of your relationships with your children or your parents …. These relationships are typically much less rigid and rule based than they have been in past generations.

At work and in our business relationships generally we are also much less rigid and formalised. In the modern workplace the artful ability to manage relationships across functions, across hierarchies and from business to business is where the magic of high performance lies.

At GRAM we partner with our clients, we have alliance with other leadership practitioners, we work with academics to build solutions through relationships. We have multiple relationships on multiple levels with multiple people.

As the founder and CEO of GRAM I feel honoured to be co-founder and co-director with Dr Anthony Grant of the business Coaching Consulting International (CCI) – a company that specialises in creating quality coaching cultures in organisations through Third Generation of Workplace Coaching.

On Tuesday night we were honoured to be win the Australian Psychological Society’s Workplace Excellence Award for Leadership and Coaching through our partnership with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and the creation of the the CAN Coaching program.

Our partnership with the people at the Commonwealth Bank has been exceptional. Together we have navigated a path to work together for successful outcomes.

The work we created was great and we know that it was the relationships that truly made it magic.

Thanks to all those involved.

Great Relationships Always Matter.
