How accountable are you? How accountable are those around you?

Chances are – you have answered these two questions differently.

So often we believe we hold ourselves to account, yet we feel let down by others.

Our question is simple, yet it can be a challenging one…

“What role do you play in holding others to account?”

As a leader, our role is to enable success through others. So, have we set those around us up for success? Are they clear about what is expected of them and why? Are they clear about how they can achieve it? Do they have the resources (personal and organisational) to deliver it?

We often hear that there is a lack of accountability in many of the organisations we work with. And the impact can systemic – poor performance, low engagement, low morale, increased turnover and decrease output.

So, we are always curious about what is getting in the way?

We’d love to hear what gets in the way of accountability in your team or organisation? How have you established a culture of accountability? CLICK here to share your thoughts on LinkedIn.

What are our thoughts?

For us, accountability is all about quality conversations. It starts with clarifying expectations (some call it contracting), it continues with coaching and feedback. A continual, mutually beneficial dialogue where both parties are able to be honest and address the real issues.

We know this may sound simplistic and acknowledge that it’s not always easy. We may not always have the most effective conversations, yet with strong relationships and ongoing focus, we will continue to move forward and ultimately reach our goals.